Project erebus sisters of kali
Project erebus sisters of kali

114), from the later Orphic Rhapsodies, as alluding to Erebus see also West, pp. 396 consider Chronos alone to be the parent. 144 says that Chronos produces these children by Ananke (Necessity), though West, p. Damascius states that the text is "referred to by Hieronymus and Hellanicus, unless he is the same person" see Meisner, p.

project erebus sisters of kali

86–7 compares this progression of "Erebos – Egg – Eros" to the Indian Rigveda 10.129.3a–4b, in which Darkness exists in the beginning, and out of Darkness comes the "One", from which arises Desire. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae Theogony 1.2–8 (Smith and Trzaskoma, p.^ Hyginus, Fabulae Theogony 1.2–3 (Smith and Trzaskoma, p.Liddell, Henry George Scott, Robert A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project. Though he plays no active role as a deity in later works, "Erebus" is used as a name for a region of the Greek underworld where the dead pass immediately after dying, and is sometimes used interchangeably with Tartarus. Name or region of the Underworld Įrebus functions as the unanthropomorphized personification of darkness in the Theogony, and features little in Greek mythological tradition and literature. In an Orphic theogony recorded by Damascius in his work De principiis ( On First Principles), known as the Hieronyman Theogony (2nd century BC?), Erebus, alongside Aether and Chaos, is the offspring of Chronos (Time), who has the form of a serpent. At the beginning of creation, Night lays a "wind-egg" in the "boundless bosom of Erebus", from which springs golden-winged Eros. In a cosmogony given by Aristophanes in his play The Birds (414 BC), which is often believed to be a parody of an Orphic theogony, Erebus is one of the first deities to exist, alongside Chaos, Night, and Tartarus. By Nox, he becomes the father of Fatum (Fate), Senectus (Old Age), Mors (Death), Letum (Destruction), Continentia (Strife), Somnus (Sleep), the Somnia (Dreams), Lysimeles (Thoughtfulness), Epiphron (Hedymeles), Porphyrion, Epaphus, Discordia (Discord), Miseria (Misery), Petulantia (Petulance), Nemesis, Euphrosyne (Cheerfulness), Amicitia (Friendship), Misericordia (Pity), Styx, the Parcae (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos), and the Hesperides (Aegle, Hesperia, and Erythea). In the Fabulae by the Roman mythographer Hyginus (1st century BC/AD), Erebus is the offspring of Chaos and Caligo (Mist), alongside Dies (Day), Erebus (Darkness), and Aether. According to Cicero (1st century BC), Erebus and Nox (the Roman equivalent of Nyx) are the parents of Aether and Dies (Day), as well as Amor (Love), Dolus (Guile), Metus (Fear), Labor (Toil), Invidentia (Envy), Fatum (Fate), Senectus (Old Age), Mors (Death), Tenebrae (Darkness), Miseria (Misery), Querella (Lamentation), Gratia (Favour), Fraus (Fraud), Pertinacia (Obstinacy), the Parcae, the Hesperides, and the Somnia (Dreams). Įrebus also features in genealogies given by Roman authors. According to a hymn by the poet Antagoras (3rd century BC), one of the possible parentages of Eros is Erebus and Night. The philosopher Philodemus records that in the work On the Gods by one "Satyros", Erebus is the first of five rulers of the gods, and is succeeded as sovereign by Chaos (though others have suggested this figure may be Eros). The Neoplatonist Damascius attributes to Acusilaus (6th century BC) a cosmogony in which Chaos is the first principle, after which comes Erebus and Night, and from this pair are then born Aether, Eros, and Metis. In the first instance of sexual intercourse, he mates with Nyx, producing Aether and Hemera (Day), the pair of which represent the personified opposites of their parents.

project erebus sisters of kali project erebus sisters of kali

In Hesiod's Theogony (late 8th century BC), which the Greeks considered the "standard" account of the origin of the gods, he is the offspring of Chaos, alongside Nyx (Night). In a number of Greek cosmogonies, Erebus is described as one of the first beings to exist. Sanskrit rájas, Gothic riqis, Old Norse røkkr). The name Ἔρεβος itself originates from Proto-Indo-European *h₁regʷ-es/os- "darkness" (cf. The perceived meaning of Erebus is "darkness" the first recorded instance of it was "place of darkness between earth and Hades". In Hesiod's Theogony, he is the offspring of Chaos, and the father of Aether and Hemera (Day) by Nyx (Night). In Greek and Roman mythology, Erebus ( / ˈ ɛr ɪ b ə s/ Ancient Greek: Ἔρεβος, romanized: Érebos, "deep darkness, shadow"), or Erebos, is the personification of darkness.

Project erebus sisters of kali